Allah forgives sins

📄🖋: Rubina Akter
Disclosure: 1 week ago
Allah forgives sins

We are constantly sinning. As we are doing it knowingly and knowingly, sin is also being committed unknowingly and unknowingly. Allah is all seeing and aware of all our affairs.

Allah says in the Holy Qur’an, those who do any indecent act or wrong themselves, immediately remember Allah and ask Allah for forgiveness for their sins. In fact, who is there other than Allah who can forgive their sins? (Surah Imran, verse 135).

The Prophet (PBUH) said, When a person comes to Allah after committing a sin and says, O Allah, I have sinned, so forgive me. Then Allah said, My servant has committed a sin and he knows that he has a Lord who will forgive his sin and take hold of him; I have forgiven my servant. Then he sins again and says again, O Lord, I have sinned again, so forgive me. Then Allah said, My servant has committed a sin and he knows that he has a Lord who will forgive his sin and take him back. I have forgiven my servant. Still he commits another sin and says, O Lord, I have sinned. forgive me Then Allah said, My servant has committed a sin and he knows that he has a Lord who will forgive his sin and take him back. I forgive my servant, whatever he does. (Bukhari 7507, Muslim 2758) Subhanallah.

Rasool (pbuh) also said, If someone commits a sin and becomes pure and prays and asks forgiveness from Allah, then Allah will forgive him. (Tirmidhi 406, Ibn Majah, 1395).

Allah says in the Qur’an, whoever commits a sin or wrongs himself by committing a sin, he seeks forgiveness from Allah, then he will find Allah Most Forgiving and Most Merciful. (Surah Nisa, verse 110).

If you abstain from what is forbidden to you, I will forgive you minor sins and admit you to honorable places. (Surah Nisa, verse 31)

From this verse it can be understood that there are two types of sin. One is Kabira Gunah or major sin, and the other is Sagira Gunah, which is a light and minor sin. Performing obligatory duties properly is essential to avoid sins. Abandoning duties and obligations is considered a sin. A person who performs the duties and obligations correctly, he can be saved from sin and Allah forgives his sins.

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “He who worships Allah and does not associate anyone with Him, establishes Salat, pays Zakat and avoids major sins, there is Paradise for him.” When the Companions asked about the major sins, he said, not to associate anyone with Allah, not to kill a Muslim, and not to run away from the battlefield. (Musnad Ahmad, 5/413). Allah says, I am indeed Forgiving to him who repents, believes and does righteous deeds, then remains steadfast in the right path. (Surah Tawa Ha, verse 82).

  • Islamic life
  • Sins