On the authority of Abu Huraira (RA), Rasulullah (SAW) said, There are three things that give freedom and three things that destroy. The liberating matters are—(1) fearing Allah in secret and openly, (2) speaking the truth in contentment and displeasure, (3) adopting moderation in prosperity and adversity. And the destructive things are—(1) being a worshiper of instinct, (2) being a slave to greed and (3) being arrogant. And this is the worst.
(Bayhaqi, Shuabul Iman, Hadith: 6865; Mishkat, Hadith: 5122).
The three liberating objects are –
Taqwa: It means fearing Allah, which protects people from Satan’s obedience. It also helps save people from all evil deeds and hell. Allah says, O believers! Fear Allah properly and do not die without becoming Muslims…’ (Surah: Ale Imran, Ayah: 102)
Believers refrain from usury, bribery, adultery and all forms of wrongdoing only out of fear of Allah.
Taqwa then is the key to individual and national progress.
Always speak the truth: Allah says, ‘O believers! Fear Allah and be with the truthful. ‘(Surah: Tawba, verse: 119)
Rasulullah (s.a.w.s.) said, “Whoever pledges to me the things between his two jaws and the things between his feet, I will guarantee him Paradise.” ‘ (Bukhari, Hadith: 6474)
Adopting moderation in affluence and austerity: Allah says, ‘(Allah’s modest servants are) when they spend, they are neither wasteful nor miserly. Rather, it adopts a middle approach between the two.’ (Sura: Furqan, verse: 67)
The three destroyers are –
Obligatory worship: Allah says, ‘Say to the disbelievers that I am forbidden to worship those whom you invoke besides Allah. Say, I will not follow your wishes. In this I will go astray and will not be among those who are guided.’ (Surah: An’am, verse: 56)
Being a slave to greed: Allah Almighty says about the Jews, ‘You will see them more attracted to the worldly life than others, even the polytheists.
Each of them wishes to live for a thousand years. But this long life cannot save them from the punishment (of death or hereafter). In fact, whatever they do, Allah sees everything.
(Surah: Baqarah, verse: 96)
The principle of Islam is that one should not apply for leadership. Rasul (pbuh) said to Abdur Rahman bin Samura (pbuh), ‘You do not apply for leadership. For, if you obtain it by seeking, you will be put in charge of it (deprived of God’s help). And if you do not need to ask, then you will be helped.’ (Bukhari, Hadith: 6622)
Being Arrogant: Allah says, ‘Surely those who deny My verses and turn away from them arrogantly, the gates of heaven will not be opened for them and they will not enter Paradise until a camel enters through the eye of a needle. This is how I punish the criminals.’ (Surah: Araf, verse: 40)